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  • kileykm

We are hearing now !

All these pups seem to be hearing the last couple days, so I think it's safe to say now all their ears are "open". It's crazy to think they are born with only their sense of smell and touch and develop the others during the first 2 weeks. We have started exposing them to sounds of all kinds today, with playing sound effects to them. This has been found to help sensitize

them to sounds when they don't have a big fear response. They've been exposed to the vacuum sound, sight , and smell for awhile since we clean out their room on the daily. All growing and they will continue to make big changes this week. They are already walking a lot better than last week! We sure love them. They are getting so dang cute with their eyes all open wide.

Also, downloaded a few photos I took of Bailey and Raya before the pups were born. We love our goldens!

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